A number of us in Barnsley are trying to develop a Save Our NHS campaign here. A group of people has come together already and we plan to hold a Save Our NHS public meeting on Saturday 19th September, at 11am, in Barnsley Library.

The aims of the meeting are to make people aware of the threat of cuts and privatisation, to identify the immediate issues that we need to be campaigning on locally, and to get more people involved in the group.

We are very keen for the NHS trade unions to be involved. We would like to invite all Unite members to the meeting. Also, it would be great if someone from Unite working at Barnsley Hospital could speak briefly about how they see things (in a personal capacity if necessary).

There will be two other people speaking (both in a personal capacity) – Alison Brown of Sheffield Save Our NHS, who works for the ambulance service, and Andrew Bogg, who works in telehealth for SWYPFT.

The speakers will be followed by a discussion, where we hope that people will raise their concerns about the NHS.

Tony Nuttall

Download the flyer: Barnsley Save Our NHS Flyer